Pleasure Matters.
We need conversations, and courage, and new narratives to live by. For the past decade, through HeartStory Counseling, I’ve had the honor of sitting with people on the road to self-belonging, helping them to sort through their life stories, heal their wounds, and find the words to name the purposes they want to live by.
My clients taught me through their bravery and commitment to change of how important it is to use our voices to make change for good. For the past decade, after studying Women’s Spirituality at the California Institute of Integral Studies, I’ve been working on a book called Sex and Sovereignty. More and more, I see that sovereignty for any one of us is not complete unless we do the work to see how sovereignty is the birthright of all humans. So, I believe the therapy that will prove useful to the future is a psychotherapy of liberation, social justice, feminism, pleasure activism, and environment loving promises made real.

Katie Baptist / LCSW, CST

HeartStory Counseling is gender inclusive and sex positive. I am a kink affirming, poly friendly, cis gender female, heterosexual, LGBTQIA+ ally psychotherapist with the pronouns of she/her.
HeartStory Counseling is anti-racist. I am a white person settled on the stolen land of the Nisenan and Miwok peoples, and I am working to educate myself and my family about white supremacy and take actions to undo systemic racism. I am choosing to not be silent, and I sometimes get it wrong. It’s not your job to teach me, and I strive to be teachable.
At Heart Story, Here is What We Love:

Can we please start prioritizing pleasure? In counseling sessions, I’ll listen carefully to what is currently getting in the way for you, and share resources related to pleasure. We’ll talk about how therapy can help you tune into your sensual pleasure for a lifetime of embodied joyful touch.

Let’s talk about consent. It’s basic. But lets not stop there. Let’s frame our valuing consent within a larger context of sovereignty. Sovereignty means self-belonging. It means freedom to choose our most authentic Yes and our most authentic No, and respecting other people’s choices too.

True sovereignty and pleasure can’t exist or thrive without connected empathy, relational ethics, and good communication. And that helps everybody. We feel good when our partners feel good, and when we do our part to make sure everybody’s voices are considered and heard.True sovereignty and pleasure can’t exist or thrive without connected empathy, relational ethics, and good communication.

Find the pleasure path for your life and follow it.
Let it reverberate healing back into your ancestor’s wounds.
Let it open you up and remind you that you are already whole.
Let it shape a future where feeling good is the normal, primary experience of all beings.
-adrienne maree brown